Full Therapeutic Disclosure (FTD)

Full Therapeutic Disclosure, 4 Parts

Full Therapeutic Disclosure is a 4-part process requiring several individual and couples sessions (where both partners and both “Guides” are present). I “Guide” either Partner A (the betrayed person), or Partner B (the one giving disclosure). *Both partners must have their own guide.

Part 1 is the preparation work done prior to the actual disclosure reading (aka the “Rite of Truth”)

Part 2 includes Recovery Planning, and also preparation for writing the Impact Letter (Partner A) OR the Restitution Letter (Partner B)

Part 3 includes the reading of the Disclosure Document (Rite of Truth), followed by the reading of the Impact Letter, and finally the reading of the Restitution/Empathy Letter. This will be done over 3 separate sessions, with both partners and both guides present. 

Part 4 involves setting goals and getting you moving forward on your recovery journey.


Book Your Disclosure Appointments

Part 1

Part 1, Disclosure Preparation: 8-10 (50 minute) sessions (per your Disclosure Guide’s discretion, and based on your needs & goals), scheduled throughout the 90 days prior to your disclosure date. Disclosure preparation includes education on the process, customizing a plan for the safest and most effective disclosure possible, creating your pre and post-self-care plan, and a post-disclosure debriefing session. It also includes safety planning and a disclosure needs assessment for Partner A -OR- guidance in the preparation of the disclosure document as well as any additional assessments deemed necessary for Partner B. We will also have between 1-3 additional sessions with both partners and both guides to discuss logistics, behavior agreements, any issues that come up, etc. 

**Please note that “Disclosure, Part 1” only includes PREP work prior to actual disclosure. Attendance at the actual disclosure itself is charged separately**.

Part 2

Part 2, Impact and Recovery planning: Between 2-4 sessions for guidance writing the impact or restitution letter (depending on whether I am guiding Partner A or Partner B), as well as co-creating a recovery plan and addressing any safety needs. *Must have completed Disclosure Part 1 before booking sessions for Part 2.

Part 3

Part 3, “Rite of Truth” Document Readings:  3 separate sessions, each lasting between 2-4 hours, with both partners, as well as both “Disclosure Guides”. Session 1 is the reading of the disclosure document, Session 2 is the reading of the impact letter, Session 3 is the reading of the empathy/restitution letter.

Part 4

Part 4, Ongoing follow-up and support to keep you moving forward on your recovery journey. As many sessions as needed, minimum of 4 sessions strongly suggested. *Must have completed Parts 1-3 of the Disclosure Process before booking this type of appointment.

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