Couples Coaching

Relational Recovery, ERCEM Style

Helping Couples Heal Through Empathy Based Relational Recovery

Following the discovery of sexual betrayal in a marriage, the relationship is in serious peril. Traditionally, each partner was sent to do their own work, but this leaves the relationship to bleed out. Sobriety from Sexual acting out is NOT enough. We must address the gaping wound in the relationship in a highly “partner sensitive” way. ERCEM is a new model of care for couples designed to teach empathy and relational skills to the betrayer which will help the partner who was betrayed to heal from the trauma. And ultimately this process will facilitate healing for both of you. 

Choose a Program for You

A 50 minute meeting with both partners present, where we will discuss your goal and a pathway moving forward, and give you the opportunity to get your questions answered. This is for new clients only. 

An 80 minute session with both partners present. We will employ the ERCEM exercises and other relational recovery tools. Some of the things we will work on include establishing safety and stabilization in your relationship, how to deal with triggers, and building true intimacy.

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